Round 2
Saturday 9th June 2018

Birtley near Newcastle.

Link to Website.


The Track

Logo & track photo: Andy Brown-Searle


Track Specifications
8 lane MDF with polyurathane surface
Length 141' (43.4m)
Lap Master control
20A / lane @ 13.8v


Thanks to Glenn Atterton & Pete McKendrick for the photo's, via facebook



If anyone has other Grid photo's, or interesting "people" photo's from this event, we would love to share them.

(Maybe images of Drivers, Marshalls, Track Owners, Organisers, etc)


Report from da' Boss

The drivers on lanes 1 - 6 were: Dave Lees, Michael Thomson, Steve Taylor, Ed Shorer, George Kimber and Tony James.

The track at Raceway 81 is fast and open in comparison with the North London track from round one. This punished the slightly difficult cars when a de-slot, in spite of the driver's best intentions, can cost a car a lot of distance in the race and goes some way to explain the much wider spread of lap totals in the race results.
The good news is that very little obvious damage occurred and what there was consisted of loosened detail parts and paint flakes. I have yet to examine each car in detail though.

My heartfelt thanks to those who volunteered their time after a busy day of Retro racing to drive, race direct and marshal the Driftin' Fifties car. I remain in their dept.

Steve Kempson.


6 x 2 minute heats